(adj), trifling, wanton, idle, empty [ Baxter on Catechising,Chap XLVI. ] వ్యర్థమైన , నిరర్థకమైన, అల్పమైన. + In Asiatic Journal April 1816, Vol. 1. page 362, in a review ofPaul's Letters to his Kinsfolk; "We observe that Scott uses civilianin the sense of citizen or townsman; a barbarous Scotticism as we suppose, which is at least in genral use in our colonies. A civilian, is a professor of civil law: while the oppostion between the termssoldier and citizen is never mistaken in English. We have it thus even in Colman's modern ballad; Little thinks the townsman's wife, While at home she tarries, What must be the lass's life Who a soldier marries". Probably the term civilian , originally meaning Lawyer, is now misapplied to one in the un military service, just as the wordsశాస్త్రి and ఆచారి formerly limited, like Doctor, to men of learningare now used at random for men who read. Toyman, n. s. నగలు అమ్మేవాడు.