(p. 1159) vāluga or వాలువ vāluga. [Tel.] n. A kind of fish. A fish in general. చేప. The name vāluga is given to two or three kinds of fish, which are scaleless, rank and oily. Thus, వాలుగచేప is a sea-fish, Trichivurus lepturus. See Russell, plate 165. Another vāluga is a fresh water fish, found in tanks but oftener in rivers. Another is a species of Silurus (Russell, plate 165.) ముల్లువాలుగ is the Cat fish, which is nearly globular, and is covered with prickles. వాలుగకంటి valuga-kanṭi. n. A beautiful eyed woman, a woman whose eyes are as beautiful as those of a fish. వాలుగటెంకి a sort of Scale-fish. Russell, plates 3 and 10. Rhinobatus læris. (Jerdon.) వాలుగపాము a certain venomous water snake. 'వాలుగమీలుమిట్టిపడగ.' S. iii. 291. 'కొర్రమీనుల తండ్రి కొలుపులెంకలకిచ్చె వాలుగలనుసంగడీలకిచ్చె.' G. i. 111. వాలుగడాలు, (మీనకేతనుడు) is a title of Manmatha whose banner is a fish.